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It’s Who you know!!!


Through this journey, I’ve had some personal setbacks that really made me contemplate. Should I keep going keep moving forward. Every time, there’s a moment when I question, should I keep going. God introduces me to somebody, and we have a Divine conversation that really brings home the point of it who you know. You would think that I’m talking about meeting people or even celebrities or whatever the case is. But in all honesty it’s about knowing God. Knowing that God has you, as you go through any journey good, bad, different, or quiet whatever that storm is for you.

Knowing God, trust in that he wants me to be on this path. He puts me in rooms with people who have help further the mission of a N3WHOLLYWOOD. And I should definitely continue with the divine path, to assist in transforming Hollywood into a place of love, consciousness, consideration, love of self and most importantly love of god. A place where we value the star with us each and every one of us. N3W HollyWood as a brand will continue to grow, support and highlight new talent in film, runway, music and entertainment. Because the rooms that I step in, God put all of us there for a reason. And I shouldn’t have to step in them alone especially when I know other talented, beautifully wonderful God’s peoples.

To be invited to the big room means there is enough space for us all, so I invite, all of my friends, let’s go to the top.

N3WHOLLYWOOD for President!

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